PSTextBox() |
Function PSTextBox(nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, cText, nJustify, cFontName, nFontSize, nFontStyle, nFontFColor, nFontBColor, nThick)
TPageScript:TextBox(nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, cText, nJustify, cFontName, nFontSize, nFontStyle, nFontFColor, nFontBColor, nThick)
Use PSTextBox() to print a long character string, within a bounding box defined by top, left and bottom, right coordinates. If the text doesn't fit in the box, it is truncated and ellipses (...) are added at the end of the string.
Note that the parameter order for nFontSize and nFontStyle may be inverted, depending on the "Clipper compatibility flag" (See PSSetClipperComp() ). This applies only to the procedural call (PSTextBox() ) and not for the OO call. |
nTop, nLeft | Top, left coordinates of the frame, expressed in the currently set unit. |
nBottom, nRight | Bottom, right coordinates of the frame, expressed in the currently set unit. |
cText | The character string to print. |
nJustify | Text justification to use within the box. You have the choice of APS_LEFT, APS_CENTER and APS_RIGHT. |
cFontName | The font name. Any available font name is valid. |
nFontSize | Size of the font in points. |
nFontStyle | The style to apply to the font; like bold, italic... See SetFont() for the list of supported styles. |
nFontFColor | Foreground color of the text. You may use one of the predefined color or a RGB color. |
nFontBColor | Background color if applicable. You may use one of the predefined color or a RGB color. If you do not want a background color, enter APS_NONE or APS_WHITE. |
nThick | Thickness of the border in points. A value of zero means no border. |