

Function PSFrame(nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nThick, nBorderColor, nFillColor, nPattern, nRadius)
TPageScript:Frame(nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nThick, nBorderColor, nFillColor, nPattern, nRadius)




Call PSFrame() to print squares and rectangles. The frames may have a border in any color and thickness and may be filled using either a color, a pattern or both. In addition, you may print rounded rectangles if you pass a value greater than zero for the Radius.


nTop, nLeft Top, Left coordinates of the frame, expressed in the currently set unit.
nBottom, nRight Bottom, Right coordinates of the frame, expressed in the currently set unit.
nThick Thickness of the border. Pass zero for no border.
nBorderColor Border color if applicable. You may use one of the predefined color or a RGB color. If you do not want a border, either enter 0 for thickness or use the APS_NONE color.
nFillColor Fill color if applicable. You may use one of the predefined color or a RGB color. If you do not want to fill the frame, enter APS_NONE.
nPattern You may want to fill the frame using a pattern. You have a choice of 8 different patterns. Pass APS_SOLID or APS_CLEAR if you want no pattern.
nRadius A value greater than zero prints the shape with rounded corners.