We are working on a brand new website with more handy (x)harbour tools so stay tuned :)
December 10 2023
If there are any xHB.com (xHarbour/xCC) users still working with the old xCC compiler and would to like
to see a PellesC 12 upgrade in 32 and 64 bit please let me know by sending a email
to our contactadres on this website.
if there a enough users i will consider making it and provide a upload in the new year.
09.06.2023 - SQLRDD Postgresql 32-bit DLL 14 and 15 + client librarys for xharbour.com/xCC
Included last OpenSSL librarys DLL files
09.06.2023 - LetoDB(f) client library for xharbour.com/xCC
LetoDB(f) website
LetoDB client library for xharbour.com/xCC
LetoDB website
PsViewer 1.2 - 04.05.2023
- New - Added parameter 3(left) and 4(top) for starting windows position of viewer
- New - Added parameter 5 when viewer needs to stay on top of other windows ( top = alwaysontop / default = normal )
- Fixed - Viewer last position wasn't saved
PsViewer 1.2
Pagescript32 14.04.2023 - Version 4 update :
- PDF signing for new and existing PDF files
- PDF printing from code and new preview window
- New preview window which can be used seperate or used non-modal from PS
- Includes version 3( and version 4 ( 32 and 64 bit DLL
Please try this new Pscript32 version
We did have great help from another Xharbour user Michael Hagl at Computer-Software Hagl GmbH with testing and reporting bugs.
This is a full version,please try and report any issues/bugs found
Please see the TSCRIPT.PRG for the new functions at this time.
Enjoy !
Download full version
Download Demo
xHB.com TipSSL version which fixes some issues with SMTP server not accepting TLS_v1.1 but only
1.2 and 1.3
Included are the OpenSSL DLL and libs needed to replace the orginale TipSLL.lib from xhb.com

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